Displaying Future Posts
To display future posts, just include the ‘post_status’ as part of the query: $args = array( ‘post_status’ => array(‘publish’,’future’), ‘post_type’ => ‘blog’, ‘posts_per_page’ => 21, ‘paged’ => $paged );
Read MoreA Few Notes on Vimdiff
Honestly, the vimdiff window looks like a mess, even editing there is hard. But you can make your changes in the bottom window (I think using a backspace didn’t work but you can hit the delete button). Saving the vimdiff changes you made, enter: “:wqa” (I guess there is actually a command prompt at the bottom […]
Read MoreCompletely Fill a Div With an Image
I used to just use a div and set the background image to what I wanted, and then set the background-image properties to cover. This has never actually seemed like a good, semantic way of doing it though, and lazy-loading those images takes a bit more work, and you miss out on some alt tag […]
Read MoreGoogle Optimize Track Button Click
Step 1: Google Tag Manager A. Create a New Trigger Give a name, set it up with ‘Just Links’ Click on ‘Some Link Clicks’ Use Click Classes if you’re looking to track a button specified by a class, use Click ID if you’ve given it an ID I’ve found things usually work better if we’ve […]
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