Website Maintenance Services
I offer a range of website maintenance services to improve your website security, brand awareness, and conversions. I’m eager to assist with all of your website maintenance requirements.
A website should never be a static and unchanging representation of your business. It should evolve and grow, continually refining itself to more precisely target your website visitors and optimized to meet your goals.
While I frequently build new websites from the ground up, most of my time is spent improving and enhancing existing websites, gradually working to improve a range of success indicators.
Design Updates and Enhancements
Whether pursuing small enhancements here and there, or larger changes that affect large swaths of your web presence, improvements to your website’s design can yield substantial returns on your initial investment. I frequently work with clients, helping to identify the changes that will offer the greatest potential positive impacts.

New Website Feature Development
A website should always be improving and optimizing the process of converting visitors into clients and customers. Additional features, such as new call-to-actions or new sections of pages to make your offerings more enticing, can be effective strategies for attaining your website goals. With my deep knowledge and streamlined processes, it can be pretty painless to add new functionality and features to your website that can have a huge impact on your bottom line.
A few common features that are routinely added to websites include:
- FAQ Snippets
- Image Galleries
- Call-to-Action Boxes
- Related Content Modules
- Product Comparison Grids
- Process Timelines
- Company Metrics
- Logo Scrollers
- Recent News Module
- Resources Listings
- Events Listings
Search Engine Optimization
Optimizing your website for search engine results is an ongoing process. For many websites, there is plenty that can be done to improve search engine rankings fairly easily, such as properly optimizing images, loading imagery only when needed (lazy loading), reducing the amount of code necessary for displaying a page, reducing the dependency of plugins and unnecessary scripts, and optimizing what assets get loaded and when, to name a few. I utilize a number of tools to properly analyze and optimize nearly every aspect of your website’s web presence, with regards to search engine optimization.
WordPress Plugin Updates
Any plugins your website utilizes will need to be routinely updated for feature improvements and security patches. Outdated plugins are a major entry point for malware and hacks from malicious actors. Limiting the amount of plugins on your site, while also ensuring that any installed plugins stay up to date is one of the easiest ways to keep your website safe.
I routinely update plugins for clients. This involves backing up the website first to ensure we have a working copy in case a newer plugin version causes an error, ensuring that the latest version of WordPress is installed, and then fully testing the site and its various features after the updates have been made.
Automations and Integrations With Other Apps
There are many opportunities for saving while administering the actions of your website, whether sending new contact information to your favorite CRM, or sending order data to a Google spreadsheet. If you find yourself manually adding data from your website to another software application, it may be worth looking into automating those tasks. A little money spent working on an integration can streamline processes and save many thousands of dollars over the longer term. I have over fifteen years of coding experience, and I can write integrations with most applications. If you have laborious processes, let’s chat about options for automating those processes.
Website Error Troubleshooting
Errors happen and can be caused by a wide range of factors – everything from server configurations to outdated software, errant code. Often times you need a deeper knowledge of not only WordPress, but also it’s underlying programming language, PHP. Many people who build websites these days lack the knowledge to work more deeply on a website, which is often where an issue lies. With my 20+ year history of working with PHP, servers, and other programming languages used to build websites, I can effectively resolve any website errors and issues you may be facing.
New Page Design & Development
Whether you need to add pages to a website due to new product or service offerings, or just to provide additional information about your business, new pages are a common need for website owners. I’ll work with your existing website design to create new pages and content, while extending and improving upon the existing design language to create pages that more engaging, and often times able to convert at higher rates than other pages on the site. In many cases, I’ll also implement updates to make the future addition of pages easier (aka; more inexpensive), by utilizing re-usable sectional templates and flexible components.