Why Does Blender Keep Crashing on Render

I’m sure there are a multitude of reasons why Blender crashes. For me, my render settings were set on Evee (I generally render it in Cycles, but for a couple of new files I had forgotten to change this). I fiddled around with various settings in the preferences pane, but just changing that over to […]

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Create Blender Materials from Image Maps

I just realized I can use the Poliigon Material Converter to build my materials for me…just name them in the same format as they do with their files, browse to the folder using their tool, and things seem to work.

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Changing the Coordinate System Orientation

This seemed like it should be easy (which it is I suppose), but it took a little searching to find the easy answer. I come from AutoCAD (a long time ago), so the plane that you were working in was called the UCS (the User Coordinate System).   Changing the UCS in AutoCAD was pretty easy, you […]

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Copy With Basepoint

Move the 3d cursor somewhere Hit Shift+S Select “Move selection to cursor” This will move the selected object’s basepoint to the cursor location — you’ll of course have to make sure the basepoint of the object is where you want it.

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So happy to see collections as part of the new asset browser in blender. Now I feel like I can take over the world...or build my own.

How to Open the Asset Library in Blender

It’s easy to open the asset library in Blender, just hit shift + f1.   You can also hit the little icon in the upper left corner of any of your open panes, and select ‘Asset Browser’ from the options.

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Blender Bezier Curves

I’ve been wanting to create a bit of a stylized landscape, a bit like a topo map, where each contour line is an actual adjustment in height. To do this, I just wanted to draw some curves. I’m still getting the hang of doing this in Blender, but some general helpful notes: Draw a New […]

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Import DXF File Into Blender With Correct Scale

When importing, set the scale to 0.0254.   This seems to scale it correctly, and based on my initial explorations, it seems as though you can snap to the linework in blender without an issue. Source

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Blender: Linking to a Collection More than Once

There I was, attempting to add a collection to my scene from another file. After attempting to link to it (File > Link), nothing would happen. It took me a little while to figure out that it wasn’t inserting it because it was already imported. At first, I would hunt around my scene trying to […]

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Blender: Keep Material Image from Stretching

I found it odd that the default behavior for a material that uses an image in blender stretches, instead of tiles. So for instance, if I have two cubes with one of them twice as large as the other, and I apply a material which uses an image of bricks, the larger block will have […]

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