Making Editable Template Pages in Hubspot

By Forrest Smith -

Create a Module

1. Marketing > Files and Templates > Design Tools
2. File > New
3. Select ‘Module’
4. Next and select options on next page (be sure to do ‘Local Module’) and name it
5. Add the necessary code

To Make Editable Field in a Module

Use this code, where ‘title’ is the name of the field:
{{ module.title }}
You also need to add the fields using the toolbar on the right. Click on ‘Add field’   , click the type (like text, and name the field.

Insert Module into a Template Page

1. Marketing > Files and Templates > Design Tools
2. File > New
3. Select ‘HTML + HubL’
4. Name it and create the page.
5. To insert the module into the page, use the following (where the path points to the module path, and where the other bit (“test-module”) is a unique identifier:
{% module “test-module” path=”/mod-test.module” %}

You can add default text to fill in the editable fields:
{% module “test-module” path=”/mod-test.module” title=”My Test Title” %}
6. Publish changes (note the name of your page)

Insert Module into a page

1. Marketing > Landing Pages
2. Create new landing page
3. Click on ‘Skip to Templates’ button
4. Search for the template page you created in the step above