Morning Scampers
You get adventure in when you can get it, and that early morning before everyone else is up is a great time to get it. Armed with my cup of coffee, I strolled down the trail from camp, but soon my ambitions kicked up, and I was soon scrambling up the hillside. It was a rainy night, but the sun was currently ount and I wanted to see if I could find a view. As I scrambled, I eventually saw a clearing above me. While coffee makes many things easier, it seems to have the opposite effect when trying to scramble up a chaparel-covered slope. Not that I regret bringing it of course. I eventually battled through the brush to the top, where I won my view looking out over the town, and to the peaks rising just to the south.

While not every morning scamper needs to be this arduous, it was a fantastic way to start the day. Maybe my morning scampers should always have a larger air of adventure in them.
But for the most part, the scamper is just a nice quiet time to have my morning coffee and to take the time to slow down, see the details, and stretch out those leg and back muscles. They’ll always probably be quiet and on the relaxing side, but perhaps every-so-often, I should mix it up and capture a bit more adventure into them.