Responsive Tiles
By Forrest Smith -
For a couple of projects, I wanted to create tiles that automatically resized themselves based on the screen size, or space available within the page. If there is enough room, I wanted the system to automatically insert another tile to the row.
The javascript/jquery:
//Resizes tiles to completely fill the width of a container div (.tile-container). var tileMinWidth = new Array(); function resizeTiles() { $('.tile-container').each(function (i, obj) { if (!tileMinWidth[i]) { tileMinWidth[i] = $(obj).find('.tile').width(); } var containerWidth = $(obj).width(); var rowElements = Math.floor(containerWidth / tileMinWidth[i]); var tileWidth = 100 / rowElements; $(obj).find('.tile').css({ 'width': tileWidth + '%' }); //If it's the end of the row, clear it: $(obj).find(\".tile:nth-child(" + (rowElements + 1) + ")").css("clear", "left"); }); } $(window).resize(resizeTiles); $(document).ready(resizeTiles);
2/23/14 – Updated this so there can be different groupings of tiles on the same page, with different minimum widths per tile, and different widths that they are allowed to spill into. I also set it to \’clear\’ the divs if it’s the beginning of a new row, to get rid of weird div floating issues if the tiles aren\’t of all the same height.
The Built Environment
Web Dev