Mt. Laguna Bike Ride
We got off to a bit of a slow start today, so we only did a six mile bike ride, but it was nearly perfect for those six miles! It was a lightly travelled back-road on Mt. Laguna with a good surface, and it had some good climbing involved — not so much that I couldn’t […]
Read MoreWill Ride for Pie
Enough with the concrete already. We need dirt, and trees, and hills to ride up and down. And pie. Yes, dirt, trees, hills, and pie! Brilliant! Well, almost. Our bike rides have mostly been on city multiuse paths. Nice, paved, level paths for easy bike riding. The goal however has been to get our bikes […]
Read MoreAnother Bay Bike Loop
We did another bike ride today — this time for 17 miles. We circled down the east side of Mission Bay, then connected to Friars road, which we actually rode out for a little ways, almost all the way to the mall. We were hoping to find some path along the San Diego River, but […]
Read MoreMission Bay Loop
Today we took another bike ride to help get the little man get used to the bike trailer. We took a pretty decent ride a couple weeks ago, which went really quite well. This was in sharp contrast to the first time we took him out, where it was clear to anyone within a half […]
Read MoreA Solo Backpack
Jeannie spent the past few days showing off little Mason to our friends and family in Portland, which gave me the opportunity to get out on another adventure. For this trip, I headed up to the Glacier Peak Wilderness where I created a loop trip connecting Lost Creek Ridge over to Lake Byrne, south along […]
Read MoreFinally. Back to Backpacking
Two years. Almost exactly. It has been a long time since I’ve been backpacking. Having a child will do things like that. We’ve been able to do some short hikes, but any hikes of the multi-day variety have been non-existant, until this past weekend where we were able to do a spectacular loop hike in […]
Read MoreFirst Camping Trip With a Toddler
Yeah, I was pretty hesitant at first. Camping with a 10 month old seemed like misery, but I also really wanted to see some mountains. To walk in alpine meadows. To look at the stars. I think a lot of people fall into the trap of not doing anything once they have children, or perhaps […]
Read MoreBreakfast on the Bay
I’m looking for ways to inject small bits of adventure into our daily lives — fighting normalcy and routine. Today’s little adventure of sorts was to eat breakfast differently. Normally we eat breakfast on the couch, occassionally at a table. If I had a patio or deck, I would probably eat out there a lot […]
Read MoreA Solo Mt. Laguna Hike
Mt. Laguna is quickly becoming a version of the Gorge for when I was in Portland. The scenery is nowhere near as spectacular as the Gorge, where waterfalls, cliffs, mountains, and forests greet you, but Mt. Laguna does offer a fair number of trails, and it works well in situations where I know I want […]
Read MoreLena Lake in April
Today was a hike to a mountain lake, which is pretty nice since it’s mid-April and mountain lakes in the Northwest aren’t supposed to melt out until July. One of the great things about the Olympic Mountains is that there is actually quite a few low-elevation trails that present year-round hiking and backpacking options. Lena […]
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