A First Week With My New Personal Planning App
This was the first week where I started using the new version of Vimsio (new name for this coming soon?) on a daily basis. It’s of course pretty buggy with lots of unrefined design, but it has been working better than expected, and I’ve been able to use it for tracking my daily schedule and hours, my various todo lists, and my random notes and thoughts.
A few of the updates that at least have been started:
- Incorporting the dark design draft that I worked up last week. There is a lot to get dialed in still, but things are to the point where it’s a nice tool to work with.
- With regards to functionailty, I’ve mainly been focused on lists. Adding in list item details (for longer notes regarding a list item), updating the “checking off” functionality (I want nicely crossed off items), and working on a few bugs here and there.
Next week will probably be much of the same: working on small design and user-experience issues, and perhaps a few larger bugs. I’ll likely continue with these for a couple weeks before hitting some larger functional improvements.

Above: A quick screenshot of my current view. I've started tracking small fixes and updates I need to make for the app.